How do I properly save or export my SAM setup files?

There are a few different ways to save your GLM setups and calibrations.

  1. You can save them to the Genelec Cloud if you are signed into your Community account. To do this go to ‘File’ then ‘Save to Cloud’. The Cloud allows for 3 setups to be saved onto a single account. This allows you to have easy access to setups from different computers since you can easily open your saved files through the cloud.

  2. Another option is the traditional ‘File’ then ’Save As’. This allows you to save your SAM file to your computer.

  3. Your third option is to go to ‘Help’ then ‘Export Setup to Desktop’. This puts a ZIP file of your setup onto the desktop. This compressed format allows you to be able to send your setup between devices, and it is often what we ask for when you have a support question.



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