Can I use subwoofer with W371A?
W371 does not need a subwoofer because the W371 is itself a very capable low frequency source, in many ways superior to using a subwoofer. In certain immersive installations, a subwoofer can be used as the output method for the LFE channel content. In that case, the subwoofer is calibrated using the GLM as a second step after the primary system calibration.
Bass management means dividing low frequencies into a subwoofer and high frequencies to a loudspeaker, with the typical crossover frequency being in the range 50-100 Hz. A loudspeaker system using W371 with a monitor is a full range system that should not be bass managed. The output quality of the W371 with a monitor is acoustically superior to using a subwoofer and bass management for low frequencies. Because of this, W371 cannot be bass managed with a subwoofer.
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