Can I use SE7261A subwoofer with speakers other than 8130A?

SE7261A is a previous generation Genelec subwoofer, originally designed to be used only with 8130A speakers.

While it can be used with SAM™ monitors, there are some limitations and manual adjustments needed to do with GLM (Genelec Loudspeaker Manager) , and the results may not be as optimal as with newer models.

The SE7261A is a Digital Only subwoofer. It accepts digital audio in the form of AES/EBU. The SE7261A's outputs are AES/EBU audio. It is only compatible with speakers which have an AES/EBU digital input, so it will not work with Analog speakers, such as the 8000 Series. 

Latest GLM adapter (8300-601) should be used, and latest GLM software version. 

Here are the general instructions, using 8330A model in this example:

Getting started

  1. Check DIP switch controls of the SE7261A and monitors. When the
    ‘Stored’ switch is available, turn it ON to enable the use of stored settings in stand-
    alone use. When you store settings in monitors, these settings come to force after
    the devices is re-powered (power down, then power up) while the ‘Stored’ DIP is set
    to ON position.
  2. Download and install the GLM software in


Define and Calibrate 8330A monitors without SE7261A using GLM

  1. Open GLM
  2. Go to File|New
  3. Drag & Drop monitors to the grid, confirm layout.
  4. Select input mode: Digital, and ensure by clicking each monitor that correct Digital input (A/B) is selected. Click confirm, and give the setup a name.
  5. Click "Start Calibration" and confirm calibration.
  6. Go to Group Preset | Store To Loudspeakers. Select -20dB startup volume (so the sweep does not come too loud) Click your preferred settings, and click Store.

SE7261A calibration

  1. Disconnect the GLM network cabling from the 8330A monitors and connect the network cable to the SE7261A and GLM adapter.

  2. Connect the audio cables between the SE7261A and the SAM™ monitors. The SE7261A generates an ID tone from the SAM™ monitors, which is used by the speakers but not utilized within the subwoofer itself.
  3. Keep the previous calibration open. Click "Group Preset|Edit"

  4. On bottom left, click "Previous"
  5. On this phase,the 8330A should show as Offline. Drag and drop the Dummy monitors that plays audio above right and left 8330A speakers. Move other Dummy monitors to "Not Used" box.
  6. Click "Confirm Layout"
  7. Now you should see the view below, but the Dummy monitors, and 7271A shows as grey. Click each of them, and change "Group Status: On". Please note, to enable GLM do the calibration, you also have to temporary turn the 8330A monitors as "Group Status: Off".
  8. Click Confirm, and Start Calibration.
  9. Confirm Calibration, and also do Phase Calibration, and Confirm AutoPhase as well.
  10. Go to Group Preset | Store To Loudspeakers. Click your preferred settings, and click Store.
  11. Go to "Group Preset|Edit". Keep this window open, and move to the final GLM Setup and adjustments section below.

Final GLM Setup and adjustments

  1. Connect network cables to 8330A monitors and SE7261A subwoofer all together
  2. Go to Setup|Edit Layout
  3. Click monitors that are shown as grey, and activate them to the setup

  4. Click Confirm Group| Skip AutoCal | Skip AutoPhase

    Now you have set the necessary dummy monitors to the grid, to enable SE7261A route the audio to the actual 8330A's. This way it is possible to adjust complete system volume with GLM, and use some other features within GLM, such as Sound Character Profiler.

  5. On the calibration process with the 7261A, it set automatically levels for 8330A, which may not be accurate. Therefore, you can manually set the Dummy speakers Level Compensation to 0dB, and each 8330A to -15dB. This way the sensitivity match between 8330A monitors and SE7261A. If the monitors are not placed symmetrically, you may have to fine tune the levels manually.SE7261A8330A.png

  6. On the calibration process with SE7261A, it also ajdust EQ to the monitors. Please also remove the unnecesary EQ from both Dummy monitors as well by manually adjustin Gain (dB) to 0.
  7. Finally, go to Group Preset | Store To Loudspeakers. Click your preferred settings, and click Store.Please submit a request if you encounter any issues or have any questions, and we are happy to help.



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