Can I use Genelec SAM subwoofer with non-SAM Genelec speakers?
Yes you can, with some limitations in mind.
7350A Subwoofer
Without SAM-speakers the signal passing through the “OUT” connectors is full bandwidth, i.e. not filtered. Because of this, the “BASS ROLL-OFF” switch on the main loudspeakers must be switched ON to avoid unwanted overlapping of the frequency bands between the subwoofer and main loudspeakers.
You can use 7350A subwoofer in example with 8020A or 8030A products. When used this way, it is required to turn Bass Roll of -6dB 85Hz DIP-Switch to ON. Some products i.e. 8030C has only -4dB Bass Roll off, as originally it was originally designed to be only used with 7050C subwoofer that has bass management on its own. Therefore using -4dB Bass Roll off can give you decent result, it may still not be the optimal solution.
7360A, 7370A, 7380A, 7382A Subwoofers
A fixed 85 Hz crossover filter for the analogue main channels is default for manual stand-alone use.
We highly recommend to use GLM with these subwoofers. When you use GLM you should apply high passing when using non-SAM speakers from GLM edit view "High pass analog outputs 85Hz".
Phase setting:
You can set it manually using the dip-switches or with GLM (GLM-kit required).
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