Once I’ve installed the Aural ID plug-in, how do I ensure accurate performance?
While the Aural ID plug-in ensures excellent rendering of relative direction and sound colour for you
personally, absolute precision is not ensured until you go through the final setup procedure anchored
in a precision in-room monitoring system. During setup, you both get to know yourself as a headphone
listener, and you refine a unique new tool, to make it trustworthy for actual monitoring.
The most satisfactory results are obtained using an excellent in-room system at close range, and the actual pair of headphones you will primarily be using. We recommend a stereo monitoring system calibrated with GLM 4.1 or higher, ideally based on ‘The Ones’ monitors (8331, 8341, 8351 or 8361).
Once calibration has been performed for one pair of headphones, that set may be used to calibrate
other pairs or headphone types. With final setup completed, you can recreate the layout of your
in-room monitoring system as a series of virtual monitors, and then accurately set the location and
playback level of each of them. For the best results, we recommend using the plug-in for a few days
before any further adjustments are made. No other headphone monitoring plug-in has this level of
personal optimisation and verification.
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