What types of damping materials are used inside Genelec monitor and subwoofer products? Are the materials safe to use?
Genelec products use various damping materials such as glass fiber wool, linen fiber wool and polyester fiber based material (PES). The table below provides detailed listing of our models and the type of damping material used.
During operation, the air moving in and out of the monitor loudspeaker or subwoofer bass reflex openings does not emit significant amounts of fiber particle dust.
The PES wool as material does not emit dust. The linen wool and glass fiber wool can emit a minimum amounts of dust during very high sound level operation. This fiber dust is not hazardous to health.
Studio Monitors
SAM Studio Monitors | Damping material type: |
8320A | PES |
8330A | PES |
8130A | PES |
8240A | PES |
8250A | PES |
8351A / 8351B | PES |
8361A | PES |
8260A | Linen wool |
1238CF | Linen wool |
1237A | Linen wool |
1238A | Glass wool |
1234A | Glass wool |
8381A | Linen wool |
SAM Studio Subwoofers / Woofer systems |
7350A | Linen wool |
7260A | Linen wool |
SE7261A | Linen wool |
7270A | Linen wool |
7271A | Linen wool |
W371A | Linen wool |
8000 Series Studio Monitors | |
8010A | PES |
8020C | PES |
8030B | PES |
8040B | PES |
8050B | PES |
1000 Series Studio Monitors | |
1032B | Linen wool |
1037C | Linen wool |
1038CF | Linen wool |
1038B | Glass wool |
1038BC | Glass wool |
1034B | Glass wool |
1034BC | Glass wool |
1039A | Glass wool |
1035B | Glass wool |
1036A | Glass wool |
M Series Studio Monitors | |
M030 | PES |
M040 | PES |
7000 Series Studio Subwoofers | |
7040A | Linen wool |
7050B | None |
7060B | Linen wool |
7070A | Linen wool |
7071A | Linen wool |
7073A | Glass wool |
Home Speakers
G Series Active Speakers | Damping material type: |
G One | PES |
G Two | PES |
G Three | PES |
G Four | PES |
G Five | PES |
F Series Active Subwoofers | |
F One | None |
F Two | PES |
Home Theater Speaker Series | |
HT210B | Linen wool |
HT312B | Glass wool |
HT315B | Glass wool |
HT320BC | Glass wool |
HT324A | Glass wool |
HT324AC | Glass wool |
HT330A | Glass wool |
Home Theater Subwoofer Series | |
HTS3B | None |
HTS4B | None |
HTS6 | Glass wool |
Installation Speakers
4000 Series Installation Speakers | Damping material type: |
4010A | PES |
4020B | PES |
4030B | PES |
4040A | PES |
Architectural Speaker Series | |
AIC25 | PES |
AIW25 | PES |
AIW26 | Linen wool |
AOW312 | Glass wool |
5041A | Linen wool |
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